yellow (holding a burrito): check out this $3 burrito i got for lunch!
green: that is a dangerous price point
green: studies have shown that every decent burrito is at least $5
green: this isn't good. where did you get it from?
yellow: a man with a red wagon full of burritos!
*green stares*
green (watching yellow begin to eat the burrito): you are on your own on this one
*hours later*
yellow: still feeling good! ha! and still full!
yellow: but my legs fell off... which is unexpected and potentially related
yellow (holding his legs in the air): can't win 'em all!
I’m always on the lookout for a good burrito. As long as it’s not sub five bucks though. My stomach deserves the best.
Most of the time.
Don’t ask about me eating McDoubles from McDonalds and how that may contradict my sub $5 burrito stance.