red and yellow: HIGH FIVE!
red: aww, that didn't connect properly. my hand feels sad
yellow: i've made a mental note to never high five you again
red: don't do that! i'll lose confidence in ALL my high fives!
yellow: ok then. two weeks from this moment, meet me here for a single test five. it will be your last chance
red: ok!
*training montage*
*high fiving a broom with arms*
*reading a book*
*blindfold high fiving a wooden man*
*doing the splits and double high fiving wooden men*
red and yellow (approaching high five): YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!
*hands meet*
*mushroom cloud*
yellow: that was amazing!
red: i've been practicing
The most important part of a high five is confidence. Hmmm, scratch that. The most important part of high fives are hands, then confidence.
And oh yes, did you see that Robbie and Bobby I helped inspire?