boy: mom! mom! look at the yo-yo man! i want one!
yo-yo man: $2 yo-yos!
mother: oh dear! you might hurt yourself or someone else with those things! ask the man about them
boy: excuse me sir. are those yo-yos dangerous? my mom is worried.
yo-yo man: these are actually military yo-yos
*the boy is playing with the two yo-yos and they have guns coming out of them and are firing bullets*
boy: weee!
other boy: are those... guns?
boy: nope! they're yo-yos! [getting hit with some tiny bullets] ow
Tiny guns shoot tiny bullets and they do hurt, but just a tiny bit. Don’t worry about the kid, he’ll just need some tiny band-aids for his tiny wounds.
This comic was inspired by the phrase “$2 yo-yos” from @Jaker_h! Thanks!