blue: almost done cooking this delicious meal! just need some cheese!
*blue is in front of open fridge and reaching in*
blue (holding a bag of cheese): best by... hmm. hmmmmmm
blue (looking at bag, to self): is this date US format or international? is that an 8 or a 5? if it's beyond the "best buy" date, can i still use it? is "i don't see mold" the best metric to use to determine if the cheese is good or not?
blue (dumping cheese into meal): what the heck, i'll just use it!
blue (sitting at table with food): the cheese wasn't a problem!
blue (with food on fork): my lack-luster culinary skills were!
*blue closes eyes, puts food into mouth*
*blue forces a smile*
I’ve definitely made a couple meals which resulted in having to force myself to finish the dish. The only thing worse than a bad-tasting meal is wasting food. Even if the food is like way way way too salty why did I put so much salt on that, jeez.