customer: i need a new computer. it needs to have many internets! and lots of megabytes!
employee: well
employee: this laptop right here has a 600 gigabyte hard drive
customer: whoa whoa! don't trick me with your gigabytes! i know computers!
customer: and ram! i need the ram! several to many rams!
employee: this will be the laptop for you then!
employee (leaning into customer): 5000 rams. six hundred thousand megabytes.
customer: WHOA! do you think i can handle that many megabytes?
employee: yes. i believe in you!
customer: SOLD!
employee (thinking to self): that was fun
It’s always funny to me when some people try to talk about computers and know all the lingo, but are just a little bit off. Stuff like “Yeah, the new machine has about 4 gigahertz of ram”. So close!