space snake: hey guys! space snake here! where have you guys been?!
man 1: hey buddy! sorry it's been so long!
man 2: we kinda got in trouble down here
man 2: we went a bit over budget on operation you, so yeah. anyway, what have you been up to?
important nasa guy: you two! get off those things!!! you don't have headset privileges!
space snake: guys, what's going on? i hear yelling
man 1: boss! we were just-
important nasa guy: that better not be a long distance call...
*the two men sit there looking guilty and smirking*
important nasa guy: you two are grounded! double! TRIPLE GROUNDED! give me your headsets
man 1: space snake, we're gonna have to call you back...
space snake (over headset): aww
Good to see Space Snake is still doing ok up there! Such a chipper snake.
Also, surprise! This is the 100th Invisible Bread comic! Thanks everyone for reading these comics I put up here!