green (to self): annnd i suddenly feel super awkward about everything
green (to self): this is really bad timing. since i'm at a social gathering
girl: hey, hi. you're in my econ class, yeah?
green (to self): durrrrr
*girl and green are silent. girl looks confused*
green (to self) snap out of it. snap out of it! DO IT! AHH! do it! do it!
green (out loud): ...phew, sorry. i was feeling really awkward for some reason, but i feel more normal now!
green (to self): why did you say that?! urrg
girl: heh, no worries. i was feeling kinda similar until i saw a familiar face.
girl: my name's jenny!
green: i'm alex! nice to meet you
green (to self): life is gonna be ok
Dude’s got it right. Life is gonna be ok.
Emerald City Comicon at the end of the week! AHHH! Come visit me! I’m gonna have the brand new book too!