justin: lemme just look over this 2nd story railing at the mall
green: ok
justin: there's the Auntie Anne's!
justin (to self): AHH! I'M GOING TO FALL OVER THE RAIL!
green: where is it?
justin: there.
justin (to self): AH! AH! AH! AH!
diagram of ground beneath justin marked with 3 Xs
1st X: landing there would hurt, but i'd have to accidentally jump forward
2nd X: it would hurt to land here
3rd X: landing over here would probably hurt a bit too
green: ...are you ok?
justin: nope!
*justin closes his eyes*
justin: whoops! just blinked and imagined 20 different situations that end with me falling over this railing!
justin (at railing at a small ledge): this is more my speed!