teacher: hi class! i'm your new high school teacher!
teacher: if everyone can take a moment and explain stuff around here a little bit, that'd be great!
tired kid: i'll start. i never sleep enough, so i'm always going to be tired in your class. please don't wake me again
kid 2: i'm gonna look at the girl across the room all the time. very few words of yours will be processed by my brain
kid 3: i'm just that kid in the back. i'll never say anything, but you'll call on me once and it will be really awkward and uncomfortable. you will never call on me again
girl: i'm the pretty girl and i can tell that the kid over there is always staring at me
that kid: aw shoot
girl 2: i'm one of the smart kids. there are several of us in this class, but we're all gonna lay low and not say much. we don't want to draw attention to ourselves
teacher: wow! ok. wasn't expecting that much detail, but thank you! so now, let's move on to-
late kid: hi! i'm late all the time! what did i miss?
Oh boy, high school.
I’ve beaten Mass Effect and will be moving onward to Mass Effect 2 in the coming days! I really liked the story and am looking forward to even more story in the second one.