Wanna help out my Twitter pal Tim Sevenhuysen?  Awesome!  He has a site called Special People, which is a web serial about people with superpowers!  It involves reading and is only words, but it’s good reading.  So give it some reads and if you wanna help him out, check out his crowdfunding campaign to help him get that comic made!

Also, I’ve added part 4 of The Programmer story that I’m making for funtimes.

Invisible Bread Ads

Have any of you experienced an ad that says “click here” or anything like that over the past couple days?  In general, if you ever see a big pop-over, pop-up or any ad that’s super annoying, just lemme know.  I filter all of those terrible ads out, but sometimes my ad networks have a couple that slip through that I have to manually fix.

And now, I just wanna chat a little bit =)  Go on and continue reading if you would like to know things about things that I’m doing!

So I’ve given up on L.A. Noire.  The game is just too slow paced and it also doesn’t run that great on my system for some reason.  I tried to like it.  I wanted to like it.  I paid money because I thought I would like it, but I just didn’t like it.  I played it for 7 hours, so it’s not that I didn’t try.

The game that I’m playing instead?  Mass Effect!  I played it the other night for 2 hours and I’m really liking it this time around.  Last time I played it a couple years ago, I forced myself to listen to every single line of dialog, but that wasn’t fun.  Now, I’m just asking the questions that I care about and just moving on with the story that way.  Much more enjoyable =)  I’m looking forward to playing through the three of them, but it will take me a long time.

I’ve started listening to Owl City.  This band isn’t anything like what I usually listen to.  Maybe my mind needs a break from all the yelling that my normal music has.  I’ve also started listening to Emmure recently, which may almost be the exact opposite of Owl City, but I still enjoy them both.

That’s all =)  Have a good weekend!