green: i'm really thirsty, but i'm going to bed really soon. should i get some water?
green: if i drink too much, i run the risk of peeing the bed. i don't want that.
green: drink too little and it will have served no purpose! where's that graph i made?
*graph on the wall*
amount of water ingested before sleep on the y axis, thirst level on the x*
gonna wet the bed, scared of wetting the bed, safe zone, thirst unquenched all labeled*
green: nope, way too risky! my graph obsession has improved my life once again!
green: or maybe i'm overcomplicating things with all these graphs. hmmm, do i have a graph for that?
Drinking some water right now (12:32 AM) before I go to bed, but I was pretty thirsty, so I’m safe. I think…