I’ve been having some weird dreams lately.  The other night, I had a dream where I was petting these tiny little fluffy giraffes and then they attacked me!  Somehow my hand got all mangled and I remember looking at my right index finger and noticing that the part after the last knuckle was all dangly and broken.  And then I guess one of the little giraffes also tore up the inside of my mouth and my gums were bleeding somehow.

So yeah, that was all incredibly unpleasant, but then it gets a little… meta.

At this point in my dream, I realize that I’m dreaming because none of this is possible.  I wake up and tell my girlfriend about the terrible dream I just had.  Problem is that I didn’t actually wake up.  I was two levels deep in the dream apparently and “woke up” to tell dreamland girlfriend about my terrible dream.  When I actually woke up in the morning, I had to ask my girlfriend if I had told her about my terrible dream already and she said no.

This kind of thing has happened to me before too.  A couple weeks ago, I had one of those “I’m Back In School” dreams.  In this one, I was going from class to class trying to figure out what my schedule was because I didn’t have one for some reason.  After going to a couple classrooms, I thought how ridiculous it was that I was in school again, even though I graduated a little while ago.  That’s when I decided that I was dreaming and woke up.

Anyone else have these weird Inception layered dreams?  How about being aware that you’re dreaming and making yourself wake up?